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Eeklo Heat Conference 2018

The Eeklo Heat Conference attracted over 200 participants and ended with the symbolic signing of the first pipe segment of the new district heating network. 

Official homepage and further information.

Symbolic Launch of the Eeklo Heat NetworkSymbolic Launch of the Eeklo Heat NetworkJan de Pauw of Ecopower outlines civic participation in the Eeklo Heat NetworkJan de Pauw of Ecopower outlines civic participation in the Eeklo Heat Network
 Elsie Haertjens of the Provinvce of East Flanders guides participants through the congress agendaElsie Haertjens of the Province of East Flanders guides participants through the congress agenda Conference delegates vote on the role of regional government in setting up community heat networksConference delegates vote on the role of regional government in setting up community heat networks


, Belgium