
Project focus

In Ringkobing-Skjern Municipality, the overall aim of the COBEN project is to significantly speed up the implementation of the municipal strategic energy plan, Energi2020. Generally, the plan aims at producing as much renewable energy as is being consumed in the municipality – in housing, at workplaces, and transportation. In practice, it means a further rebalancing of production and consumption from 56% in 2015 to 100% RES in 2020.

Targeted outcomes

  1. A total of 8-10 villages (incl rural hinterland) and associations of home owners as well as more than 1,000 citizens will be engaged in the expanded proces of civic energy co-creation. The expected result of this proces will be
    • 400+ energy checks in private homes
    • 200+ home owners’ energy renovation investment in own housing,
  2. All houses with an oil boiler in the municipality offered free energy check and counselling resulting in widespread conversion to renewables,
  3. 3 to 5 vaccation home rental agencies offered information on the business models when introducing renewables in power and heating in the vaccation homes.
  4. 3 to 4 villages offered counselling on carsharing, electrical vehicles and charging stations. To demonstrate the value of electrical vehicles, the Energy Secretariat buys/leases one.
  5. The development of a business model of a so-called ’combined technological RES solution’ (e.g. solar panels + heat pumps + solar heating + decentralised, small wind turbines) to provide power and heating to detached houses e.g. in the open countryside,
  6. The development of a business model of a shared tender on a common energy project or a common heating project within a community (depending on geographical location and support from civil society), based on a fixed energy bill (e.g. max. 15.000 per average house). Result: a tender for one or two communities (out of 12 villages)
  7. If an agreement with a Danish university can be obtained, a student of anthropology analyses the Ringkobing-Skjern civil energy co-creation process.
  8. Report, ’cook book’ on good Civic Energy Co-creation based on best practice in local communities and COBEN. (What to do and not to do!)
  9. Improved data basis for planning and policy purposes as well as CO2 and energy base-lines: GDP and BBR (Housing and building register).

Community Benefits

Generally, all citizens of Ringkobing-Skjern Municipality are expected to benefit from the COBEN project, as it focuses on energy savings, energy efficiency and cheap renewable energy. Significant change of behaviour and technology is expected to create the basis for green business development and new business areas to the benefit of companies and employment. Transition to a green economy with low energy prizes, energy efficient housing, citizens’ communities, is expected to spur employment and development of the countryside to the benefit of the whole Municipality.